Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cloud Dough…

I found this awesome recipe for Cloud Dough here off pinterest.  I decided to go ahead and try making it.  I figured I could get a cute little container from Walmart that I could close and not worry too much about it.  SCORE!  It was a big hit!  AND it was easy clean up!  I just brushed it off Charli’s clothes and legs and washed her hands!  Awesome.  I also got a few toys to play in it (can also be used in a sandbox at a later date).





She loved it.  It might be the toy that kept her the most occupied yet!  I was a little OCD with the clean up…. notice how clean she still is.  THEN Aaron came home and just a few minutes ago this is what I got….




She is a mess from head to toe after playing with Aaron.  But as he said… SHE HAD FUN!  Clearly he did to.  When I went to take pictures, he was the one playing the most HAHA.  How cute. 

This was so cheap and so easy to make.  I won’t lie, I got in on the fun with Charli too!  I won’t be breaking the bank every time I have to replenish the supply.  And since we have hardwood floors, I could actually allow her to play with it in the house if it was rainy out.  SCORE again.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Panic Attacks….and a few good recipes!

This moving stuff is for the birds.  I am so stressed out and overwhelmed.  I can’t even make a decision on ANYTHING without getting all freaked out!  It’s driving me nuts!  I am so ready to feel more settled and calm!  We got the kitchen painted!  It looks AMAZING so far!  It’s not quite finished but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the color!  I may actually end up painting our bedroom that color too! 


I LOVE IT!  I can’t wait to have the island cart we picked out too!  That will come after softball season.  Life is just too crazy right now.  I can’t even figure out a time to go buy groceries!  We also got the living room area more set up so it feels less chaotic in there! 



It looks good!  So in the midst of all of this, I’ve been trying some new recipes and hoping they are good!!!  I have never made bread before.  I am by NO MEANS a baker.  I almost always mess it up.  I am a great cook though.  I decided to try making some french bread from scratch… not using a bread machine.  It came out a little dense… but we were using it for dipping in some soup so it was ok.  The taste was pretty good if I do say so myself!  Here is the recipe I used.  I made Broccoli Cheddar Soup to go with it but I wasn’t too impressed with it.  I don’t know if its because I put too much pepper in it or what, I thought it was kinda bland still.  So I won’t share that recipe. 

Tonight we tried yet another recipe.  Creamy chicken and artichoke lasagna… it was SOOOOOOOO good!  I will definitely make it again.  It will more than likely be my dinner again tomorrow night :)


So onto Charli… she is doing really well with the move!  She only seems to have issues when she leaves family now.  But I am sure it shall soon pass.  She is starting to talk a lot. Well repeat a lot.  If I tell her to say something… she is at least trying to say something along the lines of the word.  I am so proud of her.  We still need to work on playing with other kids.  Since we had all had the norovirus, she’s barely had any time with other kids!  I need to change that!  Softball is just making me a little bit crazy along with everything else going on!