Monday, May 28, 2012

Homemade Bread and Quinoa Mac and Cheese!

So I tried to make homemade bread shortly after we moved into this new house.  It halfway came out…. it tasted good but was pretty dense.  It was for broccoli cheese soup, so it being dense worked.  After that, I’ve been a little afraid to try making it again.  So came the time to try a different soup and I really wanted to try homemade bread again.  I totally copped out though and gave Aaron the recipe and asked him to make it while I was out running errands.  He did awesome!!!  I got home and he’d made not ONE but TWO awesome round loaves of french bread!!!!  And they tasted AWESOME!  So he is in charge of making the bread until I get brave enough to myself!  Here is the recipe he used…  It is just heavenly.  I ate an entire loaf in one day pretty much by myself!  I would warm it up in the microwave and put a little peanut butter or nutella on it and it soaked it up like a sponge!  So yummmmy.  We are considering switching over to not buying store bread and bake our own!  Let’s see how it keeps going!

We also decided to try making some quinoa.  Charli is in LOVE with rice so I figured since quinoa is a lot like rice consistency wise it would be a go.  I found this recipe for Quinoa Mac & Cheese and decided it would be a perfect way to try it out.  It was a big hit!  It was practically gone before I even sat down to eat mine!  It was VERY messy though!  Definitely a eatoutonthedeck kind of food :) 

I am loving finding all these new recipes on Pinterest and trying them out!  Soon I’ll be working on some crafts I found on Pinterest too since it’s almost Charli’s 2nd birthday!