Monday, March 28, 2011

Migraine... Shmigraine....

Just like sleep is for the weak.  And eating is over-rated.  MIGRAINES SUCK.  I can't even say anything nice about them or something clever or funny.  They flat out suck the life out of you.  I have currently had one for a week.  A good solid week.  I thought it had gone away for a couple days, but all it did was take away the pain and left me with other random symptoms.  I am over it.  I really probably should go to the Dr for it, but I feel like we are in there weekly right now.  Aaron comes home tomorrow... so maybe I can get some relaxation in to relieve it.  I think it's coming on so hard from stress!!!!  

We still haven't heard anything more on the house front.  Aaron did fill out more paperwork and it was actually finally submitted to the bank (I thought it had already been done but apparently there was more work to be done).  We did find out that the seller's lawyer is all gung ho about it and I am thinking they have all of their bases covered so HOPEFULLY that means the bank should definitely approve our offer!!!  I am dying to see the house.  Yes, I haven't been inside it.  Only Aaron and his parents have.  I was busy that day.  Aaron took a ton of pictures thinking they would all send in one text, but sadly they didn't.  Oh well.  Such is life.  Maybe it's good luck that I didn't get to see it.  It has already been almost a month.  HURRY HURRY.  I just have the best feeling ever about this house.  So that is making me even more impatient!!!  

Speaking of impatience and stress....

How do people live with people?!  Argh.  It is like we can't ever win.  I am more than grateful for all of the help we get, but really.... stop breaking our hearts.  It's getting old.  Some things I just can't even begin to understand.  And for people to think things will go back to what they were when we move out.... not happening.  

Anyways, maybe some sleep will help this migraine.  Hopefully no fussy from Charli.  Tomorrow we go get Aaron :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I finally got some sleep

Last night, I finally slept.  Too bad that now at 9:24pm I don't feel like I did.  Charli screamed for a good part of the day today and now I have a major migraine!!!! 

I made Aaron a plane cake today.  I tried to make it look like his favorite plane, the citabria, but it didn't work too well.  I clearly shouldn't be a cake maker!!!!!  I did my best though.  I will keep practicing.  Maybe I will be a cupcake maker for Charli's birthdays and such.  

 The beginning... it was red velvet!

 almost done!

He loved it.  He was definitely surprised!

 He was petting his cake.....
 He was excited!
Yummy... his favorite!

Ok, now that NCIS and NCIS LA are over... it is time for bed.  Long day tomorrow..... long PAINFUL day tomorrow.  But Aaron's birthday dinner with his family at Fajita Grande... YUMMMMY :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Cry me a river....

All day I have felt like just curling up in a ball and crying.  I couldn't even tell you why.  I just feel off.  I am not a fan of this.  

I am feeling overwhelmed beyond words.  I am always taking care of someone else.  And not just my someone else....  I didn't realize it would stress me this much.  I just can't wait until we have our own place and I can relax a lot more or just unwind how I want to.  

Please continue praying for a quick bank approval!  I drove my mom out past the house yesterday.  She loves the neighborhood and the way the house looked.  At least it seemed that way to me.  It's a nice house and a really nice neighborhood! 

Anyways, today's post is short and sweet.  I am not feeling too hot and I have to get up at 5 to babysit Noah :)  Let's hope Charli is a lot more cooperative tomorrow than she was today.  Although it was quite entertaining how entertained Noah was with her tantrum!!!!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh, the elusive thing called SLEEEEEEEP

What is sleep?  HOW did I ever pull all nighters in college or anything like that?  Charli is going through some sort of a spurt.  I can't even say growth spurt because she isn't eating as much anymore and she isn't growing much.  Well I say she isn't eating much.... I mean now she is eating the amount a NORMAL 9 month old eats, not what a normal 2 year old might eat HAHA.  My skinny little porker!  Last night, we put her down at 9 and by 10 or 11 she was up again screaming.  I went in and gave her the paci and put her blanket back on her.  She went straight back to sleep.  Then every hour until about 2 she was letting out a couple wails here and there.  Since Aaron had to get up at 4 to leave and fly for 8 hours (a lot of flying in one day for a pilot) and still had to get to ORD from DCA... I didn't really sleep so that I would be able to tend to her and keep Aaron sleeping if I could.  Well once he left, I actually slept.  Then she let out a wail again at 9.... I was up for good then.  Then during the day she is this cute cuddly smiley giggly baby.  How can I ever be upset.  I don't really get upset with her.  I usually figure when she fusses like that, especially in the middle of the night, that something is wrong and she can't tell me.  So I cuddle her and let her sleep on me so that she knows I will always always always be there for her no matter what.  I adore my daughter.  I can't wait to add brothers and sisters to her life!  

Speaking of that, OH MAN I have the baby bug again.  I loved being pregnant.  All of the aches and pains didn't tell me I hurt... they told me that I had this beautiful amazing miracle inside of me.  Every time I look at Charli's face, I feel how amazing the world can be.  How could I not want more kids right now.  I know we need to wait.  My body probably would NOT be able to handle another pregnancy right now.  I need to kick it into high gear to get in shape.  We got some P90x cd's from my father in law and hopefully I can manage to do some.  Charli doesn't seem to want me to work out.  I haven't tried again in a few weeks but now I have 2 jobs where I don't really have access to working out during the day when I have a tv available.  It is getting really nice out though so I need to figure out how to convince Charli that sitting in her stroller is actually fun and she can see a lot!  I don't think my back would allow me to walk with her attached to me for long walks or me carrying her on long walks.  We will just have to try it and see how it goes.  

Yesterday when I watched Noah, Aaron and I took him and Charli outside to "play".  There is only so much an 8 month old and 9 month old can do haha.  I took a TON of pictures of them.  They are so precious.  I love them.  

 Oooo, Noah!
 Ooooo grassssss!!!!
 My two loves.
 Noah is NOT a fan on being on his belly in the grass...
 But surprisingly, Charli loved it...
 Usually she would have turned over by now
 Oh, Hi Momma :)
 Yummy grass!

Ok Momma, I am ready to get out of the wind!

Then when we were inside playing, I also took a ton.... I can't help it.  They are just so cute!  And after I post these, I better get to sleep because I get to go watch Noah again tomorrow.  It is really more like a playdate :)

 Probably the messiest I have ever let her get
 cute monkeys!
 I put her in there to move it...
 and she loved it!
 They are too cute!
 Playing well together!
 my darling at the softball game
 cheering for Urbana and her Papadaddy!
so stinkin cute!

Now off to bed.  Tomorrow is hubby's birthday!  He is away at work though and even though he will be in Norfolk... he is just too far away to drive for the day!  So... in advance....


We miss and love you!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!!

Today was Charli's first St. Patrick's Day.  I made her avocado and yogurt for breakfast.  I wanted to give her green pancakes but we didn't have any pancake mix!!!  She is such a good eater, she would eat anything LOL.  For dinner she had pot roast. Everything from the potatoes, carrots and pot roast!  I was so proud of her!  She seemed to love the beef!  So now she has had beef and chicken!  We are working on letting her eat what we eat for dinner.  She gets pretty tired of feeding herself so I don't see us being able to cut out making her baby food for awhile.  She is my skinny little porker!  I love it.  

So on another note, today was one month ago that a beautiful little girl passed away.  She is now an angel more than she was when on earth.  Her mom asked that we take our babies outside to play in the good weather in honor of Maddie today and to take pictures.  Charli loved it.  Tomorrow she will get even more outside time but here are her pictures from today.

 Candid of her and Daddy getting set up outside.  She looks like she is mean muggin!
 Our little diva in the making :)
 Thinking about ripping the sunglasses off...
 There they go...
 Creepin on the neighbors... I taught her well ;)
 watching her Daddy
 looking for Daddy who went inside..
 mad that Daddy went inside!
Oh, forget him ;)  What is this green stuff?!

I'll get more pictures tomorrow.  We go hang out (babysit) Noah tomorrow.  We are super excited! We haven't seen him in over a whole week!  He is going to seem SOOOOO different!  I get to watch him tomorrow and Sunday and Monday probably :)  He is too cute!  I love it!

Ok, I am getting the stink eye from the hubby to come to  bed!  Goodnight!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just call me Matt.... as in welcome mat....

Sometimes, ok most of the time, I feel like a rug.  I feel walked all over.  I am always feeling like I am taken advantage of or just flat out ignored.  Well not me actually ignored but my feelings.  I am so sick of it.  Unfortunately most are people I can't flat out cut out of my life.  Family.  Yea, that makes it much worse.  It's ok for them to do this to people.  But the second it is turned around onto them, all hell breaks lose.  But go ahead, treat me like shit.  I'll allow it and unfortunately I have a rebound rate of about a day.  That is starting to wear thin though... everyone has a breaking point somewhere.  Mine is perilously close. 

Anyways, tomorrow is Charli's first St. Patrick's Day!  I am so excited!  Too bad we don't have pancake mix, we could make green pancakes!!!  I could always make her some green eggs... EWWWW lol.  Just that thought grosses me out!

So today was her 9 month doctors appt.  She weighed in at 16.5lbs and is 28 inches long.  Since she has basically stopped growing, she is catching up.  She is now in the 10th percentile for weight and 75th for height.  I thought for sure she would be worse than that!  The Dr said not to worry about how she weighs nothing and doesn't really want more formula.  She said its ok to start transitioning her to more and more food just don't cut out too much formula yet.  I think she would just be so much happier on all food and no more bottle!  She is quite the eater!  I call her my fatty :)  It's not mean..... she is so skinny its gross LOL.  She also said she thinks Charli still has some of the viral infection hanging on.  But now its onto her digestive system... I'll spare you the details.   

No news yet on the home front... please pray for us.  

On the last good note... I fit into my pre pregnancy jeans two days in a row... AND I am on my period... (I know I know TMI... but for the ladies, you get why I say that!!!)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

It's softball season!!!!

So softball season has started.  We went to the first scrimmage yesterday and the second today.  Charli was amazingly good yesterday considering it was right during nap time and/or dinner time.  She hardly fussed at all yesterday and I did manage to feed her some during the game.  I think it was a good distraction for her!  Today on the other hand, was different.  First off it was a lot colder.  Secondly it was drizzling on and off.  I had he eskimo hat on and leg warmers and lots of blankets.  She ended up napping on me for about 45 minutes.  Then it was probably a good thing that she woke up considering Urbana had a good inning and we were all yelling and cheering!  Once it started drizzling I got out this stroller cover thing and put it over her on my lap like a tent.  She loved it!  I was handing her cheerios and such through it and Dianne was playing with her in it.  Eventually I put her in the stroller to feed her and put the cover on and she was ok for a little while.  We made it through two games so far!  Friday is another game so we shall see if we go to that how it goes....

Before the first game yesterday!!!

At the first softball game ever :)

At today's game all bundled up sleeping on me!

Aaron came home today.  I really missed him.  I feel like we never have alone time.  Now that its softball season we will have even less alone time.  I always love to go to the games!  I miss softball.  I wish I could somehow someway be involved!!  

Tomorrow is Charli's 9 month dr appt!  AHHHH.  I have a lot to ask about and tell them!

My back isn't getting much better.  I am so frustrated with it.  I need to lose weight and how can I if my back is all jacked up again!  I go back to the chiropractor on Thursday so maybe we can figure out what the hell happened!!!!!

Ok goodnight for now.  Cuddle sesh with the hubs (and Teen Mom 2)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

My back is my core....

ARGH.  I have somehow hurt my back again.  I can barely move at all.  I am thinking I may have  tweaked something while driving out to Easton on Friday.  I kept having to reach back to calm Charli down.  I actually had to pull over on the side of 70 just to get her to calm down enough to not break into hysterics (her, not me).  I've slept on their air mattress before and didn't have a problem.  It is actually pretty comfortable!  But since Saturday morning my back has just deteriorated.  If I turn my head or look down, it sends shooting pains through my spine.  ARGH.  So frustrating.  I can still pick Charli up and tend to her for the most part... but its really difficult and if I am holding her and tweak it just right... I almost black out from pain.  Probably not a good thing to happen if I am holding her!  I thought I was going to a couple times today!  Hopefully I can call the chiropractor in the morning and change my appt from Weds to tomorrow!  

This was the common sight this weekend....

So freakin cute!!!

Either her protector or he just wanted food ;)

So very precious!

Charli clearly needs a pet to grow up with.  She is so smitten with animals but Tiger and Zeus are so old and set in their ways that it is hard for Charli.  Zeus is scared to death of her.  It's really funny but frustrating.  I am hoping to get her two kittens when we move into a house.  Right now the idea of a puppy is just too much work for me.  With kittens there is less hands on teaching to do up front.  And they say if you bring two into the house (kittens or puppies) then they are more likely to play with each other than with your stuff!!!

As for the house, I am hoping that we get some sort of news soon.  I am DYING to know which bank is in charge of approving us now.  Certain banks take considerably longer and some are fairly quick.  I am praying praying praying it goes quickly.  Please pray for us too!

Softball season is upon us.  Tomorrow is the first scrimmage of the season.  IF my back allows, I am planning on going.  I ordered Charli a special UHS bow and am going to go get her some tshirts made!  HEHE, she is gonna be the cutest team mascot EVER! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Visiting Aunt Kelly :)

So we got to Aunt Kelly's last night!  It has been a blast!  The trip, wasn't LOL.  I wish I had that kid that would pass out in the car as soon as it started going HAHA.  Oh well, such is life!!  So it seems Kell and Charli are BFF's again!!  YAY!  Charli will sit and play with her and giggle for her and love on her!  Scooter, their dog, also LOVES Charli to pieces!  It is so cute!  I'll post pics of them later! 

Last night Kell and I sat up talking until 3am!  We must have said like 8 times starting around midnight that we needed to go to sleep!!  I miss nights like that where you just sit up talking about everything.  Now when we get the chance to do it, its all catching up!  I always just assume Kelly knows what is going on in my life because I figure I tell her!  I realized last night that I end up not telling her everything I think I did!  Ahhh must change this!  Must learn to keep in touch better!  I really wish they would move to our side of the bridge!  Preferably to Frederick so she can teach Charli and so that I can babysit their kids some day :)  We would both love that!  But they love this side of the bridge and Aaron and I will never live on their side :) 

Charli is SOOOOO close to crawling its crazy!  I love how her personality has blossomed so much this past week!  My baby is 9 months old today!  I can't believe it!  I only have 3 months to prepare for her turning 1!!!  Where in the hello has the past 9 months gone!!!! 

Ok well our food is here :) 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Did you bring your ark?

Yesterday it flooded EVERYWHERE!!!!  For the first time in the 20 years I have lived here, I saw my court flood!  The drain must have a clog.  The parking lot was overflowing!!!  INSANE! 

Today Charli and I will be heading to Easton to see Aunt Kelly!  I am super excited!  I made a ton of baby food this morning and it only took like 2 hours!!!  For a normal child who eats a normal amount, it would probably last a month.  But not my amazon baby :)  It will last a couple weeks!!!  Thankfully she is starting to be able to eat more of what we eat!  She hasn't had a problem with eating anything!  You give her chunks of stuff and she scarfs it down no problem! I am so excited!  She can now have meat and the only thing she has tried so far is chicken. We only did it once so far though.  She of course gobbled it up.

Anyways, about the house.  ITS OFFICIALLY UNDER CONTRACT.^Residential%24..%26..Homes+for+Sale&numBeds=&numBaths=&numUnits=&lotSizes=&bedPerc=&minPrice=&maxPrice=

That is the link to the house :)  Still praying that the bank approves it!!! 

Ok today's is gonna be short.  Charli just woke up and I still need to get ready and pack for leaving today :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Job 2

So today I started job numero dos.  I am already starting to feel a little overwhelmed with not having any days off.  I mean I have days off and I am sure if I said I just can't come in, it would be ok.  But really, I hang out with babies or Theresa.  What could possibly be overwhelming?!  I am just used to being able to come and go as I please and be at home all the time.  We need the money bad.  We are starting a "house fund" bank.  We are going to save every penny I make from both jobs.  I get paid cash so I just come straight home and put it in a gorgeous vase from Buenos Aires.  I am so excited.  I am praying we aren't getting excited only to get our hearts broken!!!!

Our beautiful girl today, she was celebrating Mardi Gras!!!

This weekend Charli and I are going to visit Aunt Kelly out in Easton.  We are totally excited.  Charli will get to hang out with Scooter, her BFF.  Hopefully she will still be BFFL with Auntie Kell and not a stinker this time :)  Last time we were there, she wouldn't go to Kell at all.  She would play with her fine, as long as I was holding her or she was sitting on my lap.  She has gotten A LOT better at going to other people so fingers crossed for Kell :)

Speaking of Kell, I am so excited to get a house.  This means we can have a full fledged all out 121 reunion.  I may even have to invite people who used to frequent 121 :)  I am in serious need of my loves!  We will have room to let people stay over and everything.  

Total relief is all I have felt the past two days.  Considering I bawled for a good half hour after we got the news.  I just have an amazingly good feeling about this.  Please pray that we get it.  Pray that it's done and over with quickly.  Pray for no hiccups in the process.  Pray for our amazing blessings!!!!

Finally a picture with Mommy!

Playing with Daddy

I got you Daddy... little does she know, she has him by the heart...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WE GOT IT!!!!!!!!

First, let me say that Charli slept through the night last night!  All the way until 10am!  Then took a nice long nap from 12-2!!!  YAY.  And no noticeable fever today!  So glad that she kindly broke me in with an easy sickness ;)

This was her this afternoon!

Her and I took a bath together today.  I've been so afraid of doing that but she is afraid of the bath tub being filled.... I think the sound freaks her out.  So I was wanting to try to break her of that.  She even freaked out some when I used the handheld shower on me.  But by the end of the bath I think she was ok with it.  We will have to keep working on it I am sure.

Ok.... so the big news.... as of right now, we are kinda homeowners!!!!  The seller accepted the offer we put in and now we just have to wait for the bank to approve it.  I am praying it happens quickly.  I couldn't believe the emotions I went through when I found out.  I bawled like a baby.  I am sure mainly with relief but still.  Again, the thanks will never be enough for our financial backers.... ok I can't even call them that.  For our angels.  Our guardian angels.  It is such a blessing to have these amazing people in our lives.  It really is just funny how life works out :)  I cannot sing their praises enough!!!!  They have given us the most amazing special experience!!!  So please pray for us that the bank approves it and quickly!

Tomorrow I go to start my new second job.  Well, I get to go hang out with Theresa and my daughter and husband.  What could possibly not be awesome about that :)

So speaking of jobs, yesterday I definitely started to realize what Aaron always talks about when he is gone for 4 days.  He always comes back and says how different Charli looks or seems.  I couldn't believe how different Noah seemed.  I have no doubt that come next monday when I am there, he will be crawling.  How exciting!  Maybe that will convince Charli to try :)  I love my jobs!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Charli's first sickness...

How did I ever survive college... don't answer that.  Sleep deprivation is kicking my rear end.  Charli was up again last night.  All day she had a fever on and off and I had her stripped down to just her diaper.  At one point she actually threw up.  Like power puke shot straight out and then tried to play in it... GROSS.  Finally I ended up taking her to the Dr.  She just has a viral infection but the doc said she is quite the trooper if the only time she really seems sick is at night.  I love my cuddle bug.

This is her Saturday night/Sunday morning..... How can you not just want to cuddle that face and love on her :)

So, have I told you lately how much I love the couple I babysit for.  They remind me of Aaron and I so much!  We get along great!  And get this... Liz and I have the same birthday and Luke is a pilot too!!!  Who would have thought.  Sometimes it is just really nice to have someone around in your life that really does understand you without having to say anything HAHA.  

Speaking of that... Charli and I are going to visit Auntie Kelly this weekend!  We are super stoked.  I can't wait until we get a house... 121 party reunion in the house!  I may even have to bust out some old college contacts and invite some of them haha.  Recreate college..... ok not fully ;)  

I need to desperately get back into working out.  I am a fat tub o lard!  I am in a wedding in the end of May and I look like a  stuffed sausage in the dress (no lie...) and I just want to look good for the bride!  Who really wants a gross ass looking bridesmaid LOL.  Hopefully this working out thing comes easy.  All I really want to do is go on a nice long mind clearing jog... but the Dr and chiropractor said they would KILL me if I attempted that!  

Anyways, bed time.  Hopefully Charli stays sleeping and we both get a good solid night of sleep.  If not, I need to sleep so I can take care of my cuddle bug.  

Oh she cracks me up and lights up my life <3

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today was a LOOOONG day....

So last night was the most miserable night I think we have EVER had with Charli yet.... only a view into the future <3  About 1245am I was still up talking to Aaron (he is at work) and all of a sudden Charli starts crying.  Well usually she will stop within a minute or two... oh not this time.  By 1 she was in an all out screaming bloody murder tantrum.  So I go in and try to calm her down, rock her to sleep and love on her.  NOTHING.  So I go to give her a bottle and she starts to refuse it... first sign to me that her gums are bothering her.  I give her some teething gel and she is just going through the roof.  She is throwing the all out arching her back and collapsing her body while screaming at the top of her lungs.  I try to rock her back to sleep with no luck.  I have never not been able to get her calmed down.  Finally at about 2 she calms down for a second.  I tried to lay her down and cuddle with her, she made it clear she wanted none.  I tried everything I could think of: rocking her, cuddling her, singing to her, jiggling her (she usually calms down immediately), dancing with her, playing with her, watching tv... EVERYTHING.  Nothing seemed to work.  I gave her another bottle making it now 7oz in an hour and a half.  Surprisingly she didn't spit up any of it.  Well all of a sudden at 3am she just stopped.  She was all giggly and smiley. I'm like "are you serious child".  So I decided to still try to have a Mommy/baby sleepover.  Well at that point she just wanted to play and give me her paci.  I was beyond tired.  I was shaking.  She kept yawning and rubbing her face but all smiles.  I had also given her some teething tablets and tylenol all in that time.  I decide to attempt putting her down in her own crib so I can sleep and not be cranky today.  Shockingly, she went down without a single peep.  She then slept a solid 6 hours until 9.  Hallelujah :)

Today was a tough day for me.  We had originally been invited down to see Aaron's uncle off to start his trek of the Appalachian Trail.  The ENTIRE thing.  We were going to watch him preach for the last time until he is done and then have a party with most of the family.  Aaron's family was going down today too.  Aaron ended up having to work so I was still planning on going by myself without him down there.  It would have been my first big adventure with the in laws alone!  At this point, it would have been fun.  They now love me (I think) and I them and they BEYOND adore Charli.  I was planning on driving separate so that in case Charli started to fuss we could just head out.  Well then I am told that my Pappy is wanting everyone to get together for his birthday today.  I was stuck.  I wanted both!  I see my family on a fairly regular basis so I was leaning more towards going to Hedgesville to see Aaron's family.  Then yesterday I started to just be tired and didn't want to drive.  I decided that since we have a long day on Mondays, PA would just be less strenuous on us.  I am so glad we decided to go to PA considering our night.... that meant I had my Mom and sister to help me out so much with Charli and I didn't have to drive at all.  

We are sad we missed the Webb clan though!  We need to figure out a way to see them more often!  I did tell them to make sure we know when Uncle Don is around here on the Appalachian Trail and we will strap Charli on and go join for a little bit (I guess I should get on that working out bit....) or bring him supplies and such.  

Aaron and I talked last night.  That's why I was up when Charli started fussing.  I am glad we finally did.  Marriage is a job.  A good hard working good paying amazing roller coaster of a job.  I by no means mean a job that you don't want to go to or you don't like your boss.  I mean where you have to work at it.  Marriage is a struggle.  Where two become one and sometimes that one is all over the place.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  Make sure you always talk.  Always kiss.  Always hug and always love.  Live Laugh Love.  You should always do that with your spouse.  This is so new to Aaron and I because we never fight.  We never have issues.  We just don't disagree (he is smart ;) haha) and are just so meant for each other it usually makes it easy for us.  This is the first time we have ever had to for real work at our marriage.  By no means is it anything drastic or life changing.  But it definitely opens our eyes.  I have no doubt it will just bring us closer in the end.  Make us both more aware of how we handle ourselves and each other and how to love more and better. 

Well I had better hit the sack.... I get to go watch the cutest 7 month old boy, Noah.  I can't be exhausted watching him and Charli :)  I love seeing them together... more on that later!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My world as it appears now....

So, this blog will be more me whereas the other one is mainly just about Charli and pictures and updates for the family and such.  I don't want this to come across as just my venting place.  But in a way, that will be exactly what it is.  Everyone needs some way or another to vent.  I am going to try to encourage my husband to get on here too, but that usually doesn't work!  

So this all starts almost 2 years ago when we still lived in TX.  After our wedding and then the reception, we had gotten a lot of cash for gifts.  We jokingly started talking about moving back home to MD.  We had enough money to cover the moving expenses and said we were sure our friends and families would love having the money put towards being closer to them.  So then started the talks.  We talked to my parents and they offered up their place to them for 6-12 months while we got on our feet, I got a job and we could get our own place.  ONE STIPULATION.... no babies.  HAHA... well, we did NOT plan on actually getting pregnant yet.  We set the move date to Thanksgiving weekend.  We found out we were pregnant at the end of Oct.... that went over horribly with both sets of parents.  We were surprised, but not really.  We were as shocked as they were.  The doctors had told me that I would struggle getting pregnant considering the miscarriage I had and the issues I was going through.  THEY LIED.  We had given ourselves a year to get pregnant... the very first day we started trying, we conceived.  Who would have thought!  At that point, we figured God had a reason for it all.  He would NEVER give us more than we could handle and would always look out for us.  I still wholeheartedly believe that.  We figured even though the parents weren't too happy... who can deny a beautiful grandchild <3 (boy were we right).  Well I had started looking for a job MONTHS before we even moved home... by the time we got to MD I was showing even though I wasn't even 4 months along.  I got one interview out of the hundreds of jobs I applied to.  I was finding that my degree didn't matter because I didn't have the experience...(that is a title for a whole different can of worms..)  Long story short... I couldn't find a job.  Eventually come January-February I started to have some health issues like debilitating migraines and almost dead like blood pressure.  I had 3 doctors flat out say, DO NOT WORK.  I still kept looking though.  During all of that, my relationship with my Dad seriously started to deteriorate.  He didn't understand that I really didn't do this on purpose.  That I really wanted to get a job.  That I more than wanted to get out of his house.  That all I wanted was for him to still act like he loves me.  Relationships are so fickle and hard to figure out sometimes.  They go through the whole gamete of emotions all the time.  Anyways, fast forward to June-  we had Charlotte Faith.  The relationship with my in laws has flourished and the one with my parents had sizzled.  More often than not I was upset and frustrated.  Fast forward to now.....

We are still living with my parents.  We have decided that I am going to just stay home.  We still kept looking for jobs for me but with Aaron's schedule, no one wanted me.  No one even gave me the chance to explain how our schedule worked.  That is ok... their loss and more time I get with my daughter and less money spent on daycare.  That also meant we were staying with my parents even longer.  The relationship with my mother has a rebound rate of a few minutes.  We can be really upset with each other and the next day be able to be semi ok if not all the way ok.  At this point... my Dad and I tolerate each other.  Barely.  Something always suffers when people live together.  There is no winning with him.  But it is ok.  We will be out soon.  I do have a job... possibly two.  But not realican'ttakemydaughter jobs.  I am watching a little boy Noah who is a month younger than Charli.  I watch him a couple days a week so his Mom can get some sleep since she works nights as a nurse.  I adore watching him.  And I love his parents!  They are a lot like Aaron and I.  We get along great!  Then I may be working as a companion to a girl our family knows who was seriously injured in a car accident a few years ago.  Both of these allow me to bring Charli.  And besides... I don't consider them jobs because I enjoy them so much.  I just happen to get paid.  It allows Aaron and I to save up even more money!  We definitely need that.  So onto that housing situation.....

Ok so let's just say we have some angels.  We are buying a house.  We have been looking for awhile now.  Boy is the housing market crazy.  Everything we find is foreclosures and short sales.  Well foreclosures are usually trashed or close to it while short sales take FOREVER.  Don't be fooled by the short in short sale!  I am so excited to be getting a house.  We are so BEYOND blessed to have this opportunity where we do.  Our gratitude and thanks will never be enough to show how much we appreciate it.  It is just funny how things work out.  Like I said... God always has a plan.  Pray for us and just for extra luck, cross your fingers :)  It has already been quite the emotional ride as I of course fall in love with houses only to find they are WAYY over budget and/or sold or under contract.  I am so big on the neighborhoods and schools because we have a kid now.  Charli will more than likely attend at least kindergarten while in this house.  This house hunt shows my true control freak colors more than ever.  I didn't realize how bad I could be with it.  Do NOT get me wrong, I am MORE than happy about it and thankful.  I just don't handle not having the control well.  I am not saying anything is being done wrong... I just feel out of control.  Same with the rest of my life.  

It is insane how much your living arrangements can affect your marriage.  I love my husband and daughter more than words can explain.  I love my family the same.  But living all under the same roof is more than stressful.  It has officially started to break the core that Aaron and I have.  I fear what will happen if we don't tend to things.  We are both just so stressed and frustrated that we take it out on each other.  I want to be that couple we used to be.  So loving and carefree.  That is the household I want my children to grow up in and see.  Not what we are right now.  We just need time and freedom (not from each other.... but from this house).  Thankfully we both grew up understanding we have to work at marriage and love will always prevail.  Our love will withstand this.  Right now for me, its seeing Charli smile at me that gets me through every day.  And of course the amazing bear hugs from my husband that always seem to melt everything away.  

Well now that the back story is there... I can let you in on life later.