Sunday, March 13, 2011

My back is my core....

ARGH.  I have somehow hurt my back again.  I can barely move at all.  I am thinking I may have  tweaked something while driving out to Easton on Friday.  I kept having to reach back to calm Charli down.  I actually had to pull over on the side of 70 just to get her to calm down enough to not break into hysterics (her, not me).  I've slept on their air mattress before and didn't have a problem.  It is actually pretty comfortable!  But since Saturday morning my back has just deteriorated.  If I turn my head or look down, it sends shooting pains through my spine.  ARGH.  So frustrating.  I can still pick Charli up and tend to her for the most part... but its really difficult and if I am holding her and tweak it just right... I almost black out from pain.  Probably not a good thing to happen if I am holding her!  I thought I was going to a couple times today!  Hopefully I can call the chiropractor in the morning and change my appt from Weds to tomorrow!  

This was the common sight this weekend....

So freakin cute!!!

Either her protector or he just wanted food ;)

So very precious!

Charli clearly needs a pet to grow up with.  She is so smitten with animals but Tiger and Zeus are so old and set in their ways that it is hard for Charli.  Zeus is scared to death of her.  It's really funny but frustrating.  I am hoping to get her two kittens when we move into a house.  Right now the idea of a puppy is just too much work for me.  With kittens there is less hands on teaching to do up front.  And they say if you bring two into the house (kittens or puppies) then they are more likely to play with each other than with your stuff!!!

As for the house, I am hoping that we get some sort of news soon.  I am DYING to know which bank is in charge of approving us now.  Certain banks take considerably longer and some are fairly quick.  I am praying praying praying it goes quickly.  Please pray for us too!

Softball season is upon us.  Tomorrow is the first scrimmage of the season.  IF my back allows, I am planning on going.  I ordered Charli a special UHS bow and am going to go get her some tshirts made!  HEHE, she is gonna be the cutest team mascot EVER! 

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