Sunday, March 6, 2011

Today was a LOOOONG day....

So last night was the most miserable night I think we have EVER had with Charli yet.... only a view into the future <3  About 1245am I was still up talking to Aaron (he is at work) and all of a sudden Charli starts crying.  Well usually she will stop within a minute or two... oh not this time.  By 1 she was in an all out screaming bloody murder tantrum.  So I go in and try to calm her down, rock her to sleep and love on her.  NOTHING.  So I go to give her a bottle and she starts to refuse it... first sign to me that her gums are bothering her.  I give her some teething gel and she is just going through the roof.  She is throwing the all out arching her back and collapsing her body while screaming at the top of her lungs.  I try to rock her back to sleep with no luck.  I have never not been able to get her calmed down.  Finally at about 2 she calms down for a second.  I tried to lay her down and cuddle with her, she made it clear she wanted none.  I tried everything I could think of: rocking her, cuddling her, singing to her, jiggling her (she usually calms down immediately), dancing with her, playing with her, watching tv... EVERYTHING.  Nothing seemed to work.  I gave her another bottle making it now 7oz in an hour and a half.  Surprisingly she didn't spit up any of it.  Well all of a sudden at 3am she just stopped.  She was all giggly and smiley. I'm like "are you serious child".  So I decided to still try to have a Mommy/baby sleepover.  Well at that point she just wanted to play and give me her paci.  I was beyond tired.  I was shaking.  She kept yawning and rubbing her face but all smiles.  I had also given her some teething tablets and tylenol all in that time.  I decide to attempt putting her down in her own crib so I can sleep and not be cranky today.  Shockingly, she went down without a single peep.  She then slept a solid 6 hours until 9.  Hallelujah :)

Today was a tough day for me.  We had originally been invited down to see Aaron's uncle off to start his trek of the Appalachian Trail.  The ENTIRE thing.  We were going to watch him preach for the last time until he is done and then have a party with most of the family.  Aaron's family was going down today too.  Aaron ended up having to work so I was still planning on going by myself without him down there.  It would have been my first big adventure with the in laws alone!  At this point, it would have been fun.  They now love me (I think) and I them and they BEYOND adore Charli.  I was planning on driving separate so that in case Charli started to fuss we could just head out.  Well then I am told that my Pappy is wanting everyone to get together for his birthday today.  I was stuck.  I wanted both!  I see my family on a fairly regular basis so I was leaning more towards going to Hedgesville to see Aaron's family.  Then yesterday I started to just be tired and didn't want to drive.  I decided that since we have a long day on Mondays, PA would just be less strenuous on us.  I am so glad we decided to go to PA considering our night.... that meant I had my Mom and sister to help me out so much with Charli and I didn't have to drive at all.  

We are sad we missed the Webb clan though!  We need to figure out a way to see them more often!  I did tell them to make sure we know when Uncle Don is around here on the Appalachian Trail and we will strap Charli on and go join for a little bit (I guess I should get on that working out bit....) or bring him supplies and such.  

Aaron and I talked last night.  That's why I was up when Charli started fussing.  I am glad we finally did.  Marriage is a job.  A good hard working good paying amazing roller coaster of a job.  I by no means mean a job that you don't want to go to or you don't like your boss.  I mean where you have to work at it.  Marriage is a struggle.  Where two become one and sometimes that one is all over the place.  Sometimes life just gets in the way.  Make sure you always talk.  Always kiss.  Always hug and always love.  Live Laugh Love.  You should always do that with your spouse.  This is so new to Aaron and I because we never fight.  We never have issues.  We just don't disagree (he is smart ;) haha) and are just so meant for each other it usually makes it easy for us.  This is the first time we have ever had to for real work at our marriage.  By no means is it anything drastic or life changing.  But it definitely opens our eyes.  I have no doubt it will just bring us closer in the end.  Make us both more aware of how we handle ourselves and each other and how to love more and better. 

Well I had better hit the sack.... I get to go watch the cutest 7 month old boy, Noah.  I can't be exhausted watching him and Charli :)  I love seeing them together... more on that later!

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