Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh, the elusive thing called SLEEEEEEEP

What is sleep?  HOW did I ever pull all nighters in college or anything like that?  Charli is going through some sort of a spurt.  I can't even say growth spurt because she isn't eating as much anymore and she isn't growing much.  Well I say she isn't eating much.... I mean now she is eating the amount a NORMAL 9 month old eats, not what a normal 2 year old might eat HAHA.  My skinny little porker!  Last night, we put her down at 9 and by 10 or 11 she was up again screaming.  I went in and gave her the paci and put her blanket back on her.  She went straight back to sleep.  Then every hour until about 2 she was letting out a couple wails here and there.  Since Aaron had to get up at 4 to leave and fly for 8 hours (a lot of flying in one day for a pilot) and still had to get to ORD from DCA... I didn't really sleep so that I would be able to tend to her and keep Aaron sleeping if I could.  Well once he left, I actually slept.  Then she let out a wail again at 9.... I was up for good then.  Then during the day she is this cute cuddly smiley giggly baby.  How can I ever be upset.  I don't really get upset with her.  I usually figure when she fusses like that, especially in the middle of the night, that something is wrong and she can't tell me.  So I cuddle her and let her sleep on me so that she knows I will always always always be there for her no matter what.  I adore my daughter.  I can't wait to add brothers and sisters to her life!  

Speaking of that, OH MAN I have the baby bug again.  I loved being pregnant.  All of the aches and pains didn't tell me I hurt... they told me that I had this beautiful amazing miracle inside of me.  Every time I look at Charli's face, I feel how amazing the world can be.  How could I not want more kids right now.  I know we need to wait.  My body probably would NOT be able to handle another pregnancy right now.  I need to kick it into high gear to get in shape.  We got some P90x cd's from my father in law and hopefully I can manage to do some.  Charli doesn't seem to want me to work out.  I haven't tried again in a few weeks but now I have 2 jobs where I don't really have access to working out during the day when I have a tv available.  It is getting really nice out though so I need to figure out how to convince Charli that sitting in her stroller is actually fun and she can see a lot!  I don't think my back would allow me to walk with her attached to me for long walks or me carrying her on long walks.  We will just have to try it and see how it goes.  

Yesterday when I watched Noah, Aaron and I took him and Charli outside to "play".  There is only so much an 8 month old and 9 month old can do haha.  I took a TON of pictures of them.  They are so precious.  I love them.  

 Oooo, Noah!
 Ooooo grassssss!!!!
 My two loves.
 Noah is NOT a fan on being on his belly in the grass...
 But surprisingly, Charli loved it...
 Usually she would have turned over by now
 Oh, Hi Momma :)
 Yummy grass!

Ok Momma, I am ready to get out of the wind!

Then when we were inside playing, I also took a ton.... I can't help it.  They are just so cute!  And after I post these, I better get to sleep because I get to go watch Noah again tomorrow.  It is really more like a playdate :)

 Probably the messiest I have ever let her get
 cute monkeys!
 I put her in there to move it...
 and she loved it!
 They are too cute!
 Playing well together!
 my darling at the softball game
 cheering for Urbana and her Papadaddy!
so stinkin cute!

Now off to bed.  Tomorrow is hubby's birthday!  He is away at work though and even though he will be in Norfolk... he is just too far away to drive for the day!  So... in advance....


We miss and love you!

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