Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter 2013

This year was awesome now that Charli is understanding it more and can get really excited! We dyed eggs last weekend, and every morning since then she has asked when she can give the eggs to the Easter Bunny. I love it! She wanted to go see the Easter Bunny at the mall, wasn’t keen on the idea of sitting on his lap…. but we did manage a picture (with some bribing) where she is smiling and standing next to the bunny. Easter morning she just kept thanking the Easter Bunny for her basket and every egg she found.  As she went around looking for all the eggs, she would gasp every time she found one and say FOUND IT! LOVE! For the past few weeks her favorite story has been the Story of Easter. She asks me to get her Jesus every night. I love hearing her talk like that and seeing her talk about it!







Who would have thought this year would be so cold and un-spring like! WHERE IS SPRING?!

So while most of Easter was good, personally for me it was bad. I have been having A LOT of issues and had another cyst burst. I am about at my wits end. The dr has said they can’t do anything for them except birth control, which isn’t an option for me as it makes me really sick (and we’d like another baby!) I just have so much going on emotionally lately… it’s a mess. I am trying so hard to just see past it all and look for the bigger picture, but it’s frustrating. I think it is time to see yet another doctor about it all. Seven months of infertility and 4 ruptured cysts in 5 months. Yea, not a good thing. 

Anyways, here’s to hoping things get better soon!