Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today was crappy…..

Pun intended.  LOL.  Charli went down for a nap and slept a LOONG time…. when she got up, I went to get her.  Well for some reason she sometimes won’t get out of her crib.  She wants to sit and play.  So today I said OK Mommy will go back downstairs, you let me know when you want out.  So I went downstairs and let her hang out in her crib.  About a half hour later my mom gets home and is like.. Umm where’s Charli.  So I said maybe you can get her out… we walk upstairs and are assaulted by the stench… (ok maybe slightly dramatic…) and walk into her room only to find her bed covered in crap.  The sheets, the pillow pet, her blanket and her beloved Violet.  How do you clean something like Violet and not be grossed out every time you see it again…. I’ll get back to you on that.  So anyways, my mother tried to duck out… nice try.  LOL.  We got the bath going and ended up spraying her off.  She started to have more of a diaper rash this time so we put more cream on it.  Cleaning up wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be… it was pretty contained (or soaked in I guess).  Got the laundry started and we went ahead for our walk as planned.  After we got home, Charli got rice for dinner and a banana.  This shit (pun intended) needs to stop!  So it happens again and when I go to change her, you would think I was murdering her.  Well her cute little tushy was practically covered in a blood red rash.  My poor baby.  Tomorrow I won’t be using wipes and just using a warm washcloth.  Besides the diapers sucking and being near out of rash cream ( same tube since birth…) I had to make an emergency trip to Walmart for new diapers (hopefully they contain more) that move when she moves and with her… not stay in one place while she moves in another!  I got Charli some more bananas, some banana cookies, banana chips and another kind of diaper rash cream.  Tomorrow I’ll be calling the dr.  It’s been a week and a half of two different (I think) viruses and my poor kiddo’s body deserves a rest. 


On one hand I can’t complain about how pathetic Charli has been lately.  By pathetic I mean cuddly and clingy.  It’s gotten really bad though.  All she wants to do is sit on my lap or have me hold her.  She is constantly curling up on my shoulder too.  I don’t say it’s bad as in I’m sick of it… I say it’s bad as in it means something is really going on for her to be like this.  I love the cuddling but want my baby girl to feel better.  Hopefully we can get some answers tomorrow!  Hopefully next week we can go back to living our lives… besides life is about to get SUPER crazy.  Softball starts in one week from today and HOPEFULLY tomorrow (or early next week) we get a closing date for our house!


I’d leave you with some pictures… but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you probably don’t want any of the pictures I took today (Aaron misses out on this shit… BAHAHA…. so I figure even stuff like this, deserves pictures for him!!!)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sick to death…..

Ok ok the title is a LITTLE dramatic.  Our house has had a stomach bug since Valentine’s Day.  It all started with Charli of all people Sad smile  We are thinking she got it from someone in MOPS on Monday!  Tuesday she was overly cuddly and just wanting to chill and cling to me.  As in she wanted me to carry her EVERYWHERE and she would curl into me and lay her head on my shoulder.  That doesn’t happen unless my little bug is sick or tired.  We ended up going to my in laws for dinner (like every Tuesday) and everything seemed normal with her besides the cuddling.  She ate dinner like normal (breakfast for dinner YUM) and still seemed fine.  Probably an hour after dinner, as we were getting things together to go home, she puked (on the heating vent no less..EWW).  Everyone insisted it was because dinner didn’t sit.  I knew something was up.  I was worried.  Well as soon as we got her cleaned up (who am I kidding… my MIL cleaned her up!) we got her in the car and on the road we went.  They only live about ten minutes away… well not even halfway home… EXORCISM style puking going on in the backseat.  I felt sooooooooo bad for her.  There was no stopping it, there was no where for it to go since it was coming so fast and so much, we were in the car and she kept half inhaling/choking on it.  I was yelling at Aaron to pull over because she was choking.  We got pulled over and HA to anyone who makes fun of me for being over prepared… I had EVERYTHING in the car we needed to clean her up and even clean up the car.  We actually got just about all of it cleaned up… stripped her down and covered her in blankets.  Once we got home, we cleaned her off a little bit more and BLAH she threw up ON ME.  This time though it was just liquid.  Pooooor kiddo.  I was freaking out by this point.  My poor baby hadn’t ever been sick like this before.  She has actually been extremely healthy since birth!  (BTW sooooo thankful for that) Sleeping arrangements became an issue that night… I just kept imagining her suffocating on her puke in the night.  So ultimately Aaron ended up sleeping on the recliner in her room and I slept in our bed with the monitor on all the way high so if she did throw up again I could at least run in there and help out.  She only got sick 2 more times in bed thankfully.  The next morning she was so tired and clingy and just blah.  Thankfully, no more throwing up and nothing from the other end!  Then started all the fun… I took Aaron to work Thursday morning and went from DCA to IAD to get my mom who had been out on business.  On the way home my mom asked what we wanted for lunch… Charli still wasn’t eating normal so it was just my mom and I.  My first clue should have been that I flat out said I wasn’t feeling Chik Fil A at all….. we ended up getting Firehouse… it took me 2 hours to eat it. Then it slammed me hard… I felt like someone had drilled into my joints and stuck expanders in them.  I had a slight fever and was just beyond tired.  I had a coaches meeting that night and afterwards I threw up a few times and asked my mom to watch Charli so I could go to bed.  Thankfully she has no problem with that.  Then later that night when I woke up, I begged my mom to stay home on Friday so she could watch Charli.  I couldn’t begin to figure out how I was going to take care of her when I was so sick.  The last time I caught a stomach bug I was in FIFTH grade…. yea… Welll…. she didn’t stay home… an hour after Charli and I got up… I called my mom crying.  I was a mess.  She said she’d come home for lunch lol.  Gotta love Mom’s!  Long story short… I survived (barely I swear…) then my mom got it!  Of course I took as good of care of her as I could and keep Charli away from her… then Saturday night I had to go get Aaron from work.  He said he’d had some symptoms of said stomach bug (I’m sure you can figure them out since I’m not mentioning puking…) so I was a little worried.  We were supposed to go to Jersey for Kelly’s baby shower on Sunday!  Well, we didn’t make it to Jerz.  Aaron ended up sleeping most of the day (lucky guy… he barely got sick!) on Sunday and now today on Monday… all is well.  My Dad doesn’t feel well today though…. Hopefully it doesn’t go back through the house! 




Now that I have my first real kid sickness under my belt as a Mom… I hope it doesn’t happen again.. Yea Yea I know… it will….. maybe I’ll get lucky like my mom and not have pukey kids!  We just never caught things like that!  Even if my Dad had it in the house! 


Hopefully this isn’t too TMI Smile

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Just keep running……

So, got new running shoes.  WOOHOO.  Used them once so far to actually run.  Did two workouts with them but only one involved running.  I haven’t done any workouts since Thursday…. Friday and Saturday I just literally ran out of time.  So today I am planning on doubling up.  One of my running workouts with a half an hour of walking following it.  If I can get my nice warm butt out of the house.  Its practically in the single digits today and WINDY.  NOT FUN. 

Well I started this post HOURS ago.  I ended up not working out today.  I started to feel feverish and dizzy.  So I decided I would be better off not running.  I’d rather not pass out or get sick at the gym.  I ended up taking a 2 hour nap and then going to get Aaron from the airport. 


I will be working out like triple time tomorrow. We got a jogging stroller from a friend and need to test it out… too bad that part won’t happen for a while as it’s FREEZING this week!  Until I can figure out what brand this stroller is and how to get some accessories for it such as a wind blocker/warm thing. 


Hopefully we find out this week about closing.  That is basically all we are waiting on now.  We want our own place so bad its ridiculous.  AHHHHH. 


Ok, I have MOPS in the morning and then working out so I better get my butt in bed since I didn’t feel too hot today.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Let’s do this :)

So, it’s official.  Aaron and I are signed up for a 5k.  AHHHHHH.  We are doing the Cupcake Run on April 15th!  YAY.  After talking to a friend about losing baby weight and how hard it can be to get motivated… I decided I needed to do something drastic.  Sign my fat ass up for a 5k.  Can’t take it back now!  NONREFUNDABLE!  My friend had introduced me to this program to get you running in 2 months called Couch25k.  Well, the race is in 67 days from today.  This program will have me finishing it like the day OF the race.  Talk about being nuts!  I am so excited for it though.  We started the program today… Aaron had no problem finishing todays workout… I on the other hand struggled.  I couldn’t breathe and we didn’t know where my inhaler was so I wasn’t going to push myself into a full fledged asthma attack.  As it was, until we found my inhaler 10 hours later… my chest was still super tight and I was wheezing.  So now that 2 inhalers have been located… I can knock myself out on Thursday… Week1Day2.  This should be interesting.  So we had to go get ourselves good supportive running shoes today.  We got fitted for them!  Woohoo.  The poor guy probably thinks I am a nutso LOL.  Also, a friend of mine is giving us a free jogging stroller.  We are so blessed!  I woke up this morning with a new view on everything (the all natural sleep aid may have helped too LOL). 


Hopefully this is the last month that we live with my parents… so far it’s not looking too hot for that since we still haven’t heard ANYTHING about closing.  AHHH.  So frustrating.