Thursday, February 23, 2012

Today was crappy…..

Pun intended.  LOL.  Charli went down for a nap and slept a LOONG time…. when she got up, I went to get her.  Well for some reason she sometimes won’t get out of her crib.  She wants to sit and play.  So today I said OK Mommy will go back downstairs, you let me know when you want out.  So I went downstairs and let her hang out in her crib.  About a half hour later my mom gets home and is like.. Umm where’s Charli.  So I said maybe you can get her out… we walk upstairs and are assaulted by the stench… (ok maybe slightly dramatic…) and walk into her room only to find her bed covered in crap.  The sheets, the pillow pet, her blanket and her beloved Violet.  How do you clean something like Violet and not be grossed out every time you see it again…. I’ll get back to you on that.  So anyways, my mother tried to duck out… nice try.  LOL.  We got the bath going and ended up spraying her off.  She started to have more of a diaper rash this time so we put more cream on it.  Cleaning up wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be… it was pretty contained (or soaked in I guess).  Got the laundry started and we went ahead for our walk as planned.  After we got home, Charli got rice for dinner and a banana.  This shit (pun intended) needs to stop!  So it happens again and when I go to change her, you would think I was murdering her.  Well her cute little tushy was practically covered in a blood red rash.  My poor baby.  Tomorrow I won’t be using wipes and just using a warm washcloth.  Besides the diapers sucking and being near out of rash cream ( same tube since birth…) I had to make an emergency trip to Walmart for new diapers (hopefully they contain more) that move when she moves and with her… not stay in one place while she moves in another!  I got Charli some more bananas, some banana cookies, banana chips and another kind of diaper rash cream.  Tomorrow I’ll be calling the dr.  It’s been a week and a half of two different (I think) viruses and my poor kiddo’s body deserves a rest. 


On one hand I can’t complain about how pathetic Charli has been lately.  By pathetic I mean cuddly and clingy.  It’s gotten really bad though.  All she wants to do is sit on my lap or have me hold her.  She is constantly curling up on my shoulder too.  I don’t say it’s bad as in I’m sick of it… I say it’s bad as in it means something is really going on for her to be like this.  I love the cuddling but want my baby girl to feel better.  Hopefully we can get some answers tomorrow!  Hopefully next week we can go back to living our lives… besides life is about to get SUPER crazy.  Softball starts in one week from today and HOPEFULLY tomorrow (or early next week) we get a closing date for our house!


I’d leave you with some pictures… but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you probably don’t want any of the pictures I took today (Aaron misses out on this shit… BAHAHA…. so I figure even stuff like this, deserves pictures for him!!!)

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