Thursday, July 25, 2013

Four days in….

So, it’s been 4 full days on the new diet.  As of Weds at my first weigh in (yes only 2 days in, just how it worked out…) I had lost 4lbs already.  Amazing.  I am sure I have lost more already as I have been SOOOOOOOO good!  Today I slipped and had a couple triscuits.  JUST A COUPLE.  So that’s not even a terrible slip.  It has been so much easier than I thought.  I haven’t been tired, I haven’t been cranky, I haven’t been anything.  At my group meeting on Weds, they took my bp and it was SUPER low.  They were a littttttle worried this quickly… so they had me add some bouillon to my soup at dinner.  I also added in some pickles (not in the soup EWWW) since they are one of the veggies I am allowed to have.  Usually I can tell exactly when my bp is off… I couldn’t tell at all.  Honestly.  On Tuesday, I had a very little bit of dizziness when I would stand up… nothing crazy.  To be expected.  But my bp was 90/60.  Oooops.  Last time it was that low, I was preggo (no I’m not) and I wasn’t handling it well… I was constantly near blacking out and a mess.  But, when I was in that meeting, they told me that sometimes ketosis gives you extra energy. I’ll take it!  It’s been awesome.  I went for a mile walk today with Charli and Aaron.  I wanted to see how I would end up feeling… I feel great.  No issues!  WooooHoooo!  If I can keep busting out the mileage, I will be down in weight in no time!!! 


Off topic, I had to share this picture…..  I was taking my '”before” pictures and Charli decided she needed to pose for some pictures too.  Funny considering we can’t ever get her to let us take pics!!!!  She is too cute! 


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One day down….

Ok, so I survived my first day of the VLCD (very low calorie diet). Barely. I was dragged to two restaurants and by the end of the day I had a screaming migraine. That morning, I’d taken Aaron to work and like normal, walked at Gravelly Point.  Well, this time I practically ran 2 miles while pushing a stroller.  I burned A LOT of calories.  Not to mention it was nice and humid out.  Long story short, by the end of the day I’d only had a net of about 200 calories.   No amount of water was going to hold of my migraine.  They had told me to hold of exercising for at least a week…. I figured since it was my first day and I wasn’t weak yet, I would be fine.  NOT SO MUCH.  Live and learn.  Today, I am actually doing fine so far.  Wearing my glasses to keep the headache manageable (all I have to take is Excedrin Migraine and it has aspirin and I can’t have that) and drinking copious amounts of water.  Funny, I thought I would struggle to drink a liter of water.  Yesterday I had almost 3.  Today I’ve had about 36oz so far and keep sucking it down.  I hope this gets easier.  I was exhausted by bedtime yesterday.  I just hope I don’t get too weak while doing this.  I hope my body regulates quickly.  I also didn’t think about this: my first week doing it and I am expecting something that makes me seriously cranky, hungry and in a lot of pain.  Wish I’d timed it a little better… but again.  Live and learn.  I am determined to do this. 


Thank you to those awesome people who have been so supportive so far and especially those going through something very similar!!! 

Sunday, July 21, 2013

30 by 30

It’s been entirely too long since I last posted.  Life has been a little crazy and I just haven’t known what to write.  Things are good right now.  Health wise, still not so much.  But hopefully this next step in our journey will help that out.  I started to look into weight loss programs.  I figured I needed to do something drastic to get a jumpstart on the weight loss  After asking around, I heard about a program that FMH Wellness center offers.  I heard about quite a few success stories.  Then, I heard that they now take insurance for it.  It was just a matter of an orientation and then finding out if my insurance would cover it.  Thankfully, it does.  I only have to pay copays and for the food (which is kinda expensive!!!).  So here goes nothin…. I start tomorrow.  I already had all my medical prescreening done and got the go ahead.  I am so nervous.  I’ve always been adamant about NOT doing a diet like this.  I love food.  I don’t eat obscenely large portions, I don’t eat horribly unhealthy.  But I love food.  This diet is a liquid diet.  Shoot me now.  But after yesterday, I learned that there are times when I can replace a liquid meal with things like chicken and salad (as in spinach and no carb dressing).  I can handle that.  I can chew on occasion!  I also found out that they give you a recipe book to spice up your liquid meals.  You can make them into muffins, cookies, slushies, ice cream and so on.  They make sure you don’t get bored and in a rut.  I think I can, I think I can.  Here is the link to the program if anyone is interested. 


Just for fun, some pictures of the past few months….


Last Day of Preschool



Niagra Falls- Maid of the Mist


At a wedding


Blowing bubbles


Rockin the dance floor


Being a goofball with blueberry pie


At her birthday party


Jumping on her new trampoline with Parker!



Hopefully I will get better at updating during my new weight loss journey!