Tuesday, July 23, 2013

One day down….

Ok, so I survived my first day of the VLCD (very low calorie diet). Barely. I was dragged to two restaurants and by the end of the day I had a screaming migraine. That morning, I’d taken Aaron to work and like normal, walked at Gravelly Point.  Well, this time I practically ran 2 miles while pushing a stroller.  I burned A LOT of calories.  Not to mention it was nice and humid out.  Long story short, by the end of the day I’d only had a net of about 200 calories.   No amount of water was going to hold of my migraine.  They had told me to hold of exercising for at least a week…. I figured since it was my first day and I wasn’t weak yet, I would be fine.  NOT SO MUCH.  Live and learn.  Today, I am actually doing fine so far.  Wearing my glasses to keep the headache manageable (all I have to take is Excedrin Migraine and it has aspirin and I can’t have that) and drinking copious amounts of water.  Funny, I thought I would struggle to drink a liter of water.  Yesterday I had almost 3.  Today I’ve had about 36oz so far and keep sucking it down.  I hope this gets easier.  I was exhausted by bedtime yesterday.  I just hope I don’t get too weak while doing this.  I hope my body regulates quickly.  I also didn’t think about this: my first week doing it and I am expecting something that makes me seriously cranky, hungry and in a lot of pain.  Wish I’d timed it a little better… but again.  Live and learn.  I am determined to do this. 


Thank you to those awesome people who have been so supportive so far and especially those going through something very similar!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole! It's going to get a lot better. It might get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. Good job on drinking all that water! I'm doing a couple weeks prep before I start my program, and it is tough. We should plan some things to do that don't focus on food!
