Thursday, January 10, 2013

Welcome, 2013!!!

Wow, I am lame when it comes to updating!  I could go on for days if I really wanted to tell you everything that’s gone on.  But if you read this… you see me on FB and that would be completely repeating myself HA. 
I think we finally have a grasp on Charli’s behavior!  WOOHOO.  We ended up breaking up with the behavioral therapist and since we were still having issues, were recommended to the child psychologist with the county.  She is AMAZING.  Charli took to her like white on rice!  The first two appointments, Charli didn’t stop talking to her the entire 45 minutes she was here!  It was adorable.  We just turned a corner over Christmas break.  She is going down for a nap and bedtime no problem!  I had been telling her that I had to go to the potty or to take meds or put my pjs on and now she tells me “go potty Mommy” lol.  No tears or anything.  I love it.  Makes life sooooo much better for all of us!  After we finally got that handled, I decided to work on the rest of her behavior too.  I had been avoiding situations that usually caused a major meltdown (which was damn near everything!)… I stopped avoiding them and started to just say No or work through it.  The “mommy look” is now working on her as well as saying NO!  She is listening much better.  Next to work on the whining.   I am worried that all of this work over the past year is going to go to shit as soon as softball starts in March.  I already leave her two evenings a week for a couple hours and she seems fine so far with it. 
Charli on the Santa Train

Dancing with Daddy to Jingle Bell Rock
Charli’s first experience baking cookies!
Our First Christmas in our house!
DSC_0225  DSC_0335


We had a White Christmas!!!!!!  We had a wonderful Christmas!  Charli was so into it this year!  She was very good at thanking everyone and yelling “HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS” all day every day LOL.  She was so spoiled this year.  Next year, I think I will ask for less gifts!  It looks like a toy store blew up in our house!  She is so cute with all of her new stuff though. 
Charli’s cute Christmas outfit!

Mackenzie and my Mom enjoying Charli’s first preschool program!
Charli onstage with her classmates!
Life has just been crazy the past few months.  In October we were crazy busy dealing with Daddy’s Surprise 50th birthday party… Hurricane Sandy the week leading up to said party… Thanksgiving… getting sick… December with trying to pack in as many new traditions and setting up our own house for Christmas for the first time… getting sick again… Christmas Day… getting sick again (all of this just me… )… Having some friends and family over for New Years Eve… a medical scare… and now we are all caught up.  What is life without chaos! 


  1. Hi Nicole! Saw your blog post from facebook, and I wanted to reach out and give you a cyber hug. I'm so glad you guys found a therapist who is a better fit for Charli and your family. Being able to look at your child's behavior, recognize that something's going on that is not good for her or your family, and then actively seek help is, IMO, one of the most difficult but clear sighted and loving things a mother can do for her child. Major kudos! (For what it's worth, you aren't alone. Julie and Dan are very open about how therapy helped them turn things around with Andrew.)

    Also, the pictures of your Christmas tree look great. I only saw it from the outside, and I honestly have no idea how you guys did it all, but your house looked magical.

  2. Thanks Katie!

    Liz- thanks!!!! It's made life so much happier all around!!!! And, thanks about the house hehe. It was our first Christmas in our own house having Charli! I tried to make it all perfect!
