Monday, September 26, 2011


I can't resist saying GO REDSKINS!  Hehe.  Since Aaron is a Cowboys fan this is always a special game for us.  Usually he isn't here for it though!  But tonight, he is home.  So I am trash talking some :)

OMG so as for last night with Charli.  OMG.  She went down really easy for how she has been lately.  Within a couple minutes she'd stopped crying and was passed out.  I thought we were golden.  BOY oh BOY was I wrong!  I had finally gotten everything done for MOPS and ready for Monday when it hit about 1230.  Charli woke up.  She started screaming.  I gave her a couple minutes hoping it would pass.  Negative.  I went in and tried to calm her down.  No luck.  Finally I just sat in the recliner with her.  She calmed down and I ended up sitting there for an hour and a half with her.  So now it's about 230ish...  She had just been sitting with me in the recliner in darkness and total quiet.  She wouldn't fall back asleep.  Anytime I mentioned going to sleep she would fuss. So I tried to bring her into my bed with me so we could both sleep.  Epic FAIL.  So about 3 I decided to just put her down and let her cry back to sleep.  Well within 5 minutes, my Dad came flying up and got her.  I was PISSED.  Just let her cry, I get that she's sick and all but she won't sleep. If I had felt she was really NEEDING to be held and wasn't just being manipulative, sure I would have held her all she needed.  But I felt like she was being slightly manipulative.  All she wanted to do was play.  Well my Dad took her and let her play.  Fast forward to 430ish.  I stayed up figuring she would flip out and he wouldn't be able to deal with it... my mom wakes up and is getting ready so Charli starts fussing.  I head downstairs to tend to her.  She is just being a maniac.  So I decide lets eat breakfast.  Having stayed up until that early, I was sure she was hungry.  It was a fight but I got her to eat some.  I figured that might also help her finally go back to sleep.  Finally at about 530 I decide that MOPS isn't going to happen (I was heartbroken) because I was not about to unleash the beast I call Charli on some poor unsuspecting soul when she had only slept a few hours.  I figured I could have handled the not sleeping part to brave the meeting... but not her...  Smart move.  Finally at about 6 I got her to fall asleep with me cuddled in my bed.  Thank You God.  She was in here until about 930.  She had taken over my entire bed practically.  So I decided to try putting her in her bed.  Awesome.  She went back to sleep.  We slept until about 1230.  

I decided she would NOT get a nap during the day to ensure she would sleep at night.  She wasn't too bad today actually.  The most random things would set her off... but she wasn't too fussy.  There was a lot of cuddling with me and eating the soup... which BTW she LOVED the Feel Better Soup!  For breakfast I mixed it with yogurt... yea gross but she ate it.  For lunch I crunched up some Ritz crackers so it was thicker for her to feed herself (it ended up EVERYWHERE).  I managed to keep her up until about 945 tonight and by 10 she was out.  Fingers crossed.  I am not going to jinx myself.  Aaron is home so I'd have some reinforcement... but I don't want to go there.  

Ok now back to the game :)  GO REDSKINS!

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