Sunday, April 10, 2011

Cherry Blossoms 2011 :)

Yesterday we all went to DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival.  Charli, Aaron and I went on our first big educational trip where Charli can start to understand things (to a point...).  Before this anything we'd done, she was just along for the ride.  Now she can look around and see things she likes and people watch and such.  She was such a ham and so adorable.  

She actually looked at the camera!!!  With no prompting!

We had parked at East Potomac Park and took the shuttle over to the Tidal Basin.  From there, we walked to Pennsylvania Ave for the Japanese Street Festival.  Since we were so close, we walked over to the White House.  For that part, Charli was PASSED OUT.  During the time she was awake, she seemed to enjoy herself (as long as she had food HAHA!!)  I had bought this AMAZING invention before we left Frederick.... its a food/drink holder thing for the carseat and stroller.  I didn't want a repeat of last time we came home from DC and she screamed.  She is too small to reach her cup holders on her carseat or stroller so I thought this would be perfect.  It was beyond perfect.   For the most part, it kept her entertained.  We had such a great family outing day.  It was definitely needed for all three of us I think.  It was a lot chillier than we had expected.  But still more than fun.  We must have walked about 5-6 miles throughout the day.  HOLY SORE FEET BATMAN.  I am so not used to that.  But considering how sore I was when I woke up and how quickly it went away, I am so ready for doing more days like that.  I need to LOSE BABY WEIGHT bad.  

Yesterday may have ended up being a fun day, but it started off pretty bad.  I had a total breakdown before we even left the house.  Something as little as all the blossoms being gone because of a storm broke me down.  I was so upset.  Of course that wasn't the real reason I was so upset.  All I want is to be back to how my family (parents and sister) to be back to how they used to be.  I am starting to feel "forgetable" again.  I have always felt like I was invisible and that I had to work to keep friends or have people remember me.  Probably why I did some dumbass stuff in college.  I always feel like I am always forgotten about when it comes to people wanting to spend time with someone.  It is the most ridiculous thing ever.  I know that if people can't seem to care enough to think of us... then they aren't worth our time.  But I still feel so lost.  I want to be wanted.  I try too hard.  I feel like sometimes moving back to my hometown is the dumbest thing I have ever wanted to do because I resort back to how I felt in high school.  AHHH.  Something had been posted on FB and I was beyond upset I wasn't even thought of to join.  How immature can I be.  It is stupid.  But it is how I feel and I can't seem to get past that ever in my life.  At every juncture in my life, I have felt this way.  I should be feeling blessed for what I do have in my life.  Why can't I just let go and feel that way.

Anyways, moving on from my upsetness.... here are some pictures from yesterday...

 Cheerio coma on the way down... we always knew this would happen some day :)
 Charli and Daddy when we got down to DC
 Momma and Charli in DC
 Charli in a tree :)
 Our BUG in a tree :)
 I love that girl....
 My loves
 I can't tell you how much I love this picture for some reason....
 Charli is becoming such a ham ;)  First family picture :)
Someone took our picture for us!  Awesome family picture with the Jefferson Memorial in the background :)  Perfect end to the perfect day :)

Oh yea, funny story of the day.  Shortly after we get into the Tidal Basin area... we lost BOTH of Charli's socks.  I was kind of annoyed because we check her regularly (especially when its as cold as it was) and the fact that we lost them while a lot of people were around and no one helped us out ( I KNOW I KNOW... immature of me again....).  Anyways, about 5 hours later when we walk back to our shuttle stop, we found BOTH socks quite a ways apart.  It was the best ending to our day.  We couldn't stop laughing.  What were the chances.  

Anyways, tomorrow is our 2 year wedding anniversary.  Here's to mannnnnny mannnnny more <3

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