Sunday, April 3, 2011


So I finally seem to have kicked the migraine.  It's been a couple days of no migraine even though I've had a couple headaches and maybe some other symptoms of a migraine but no pain....  Any relief is welcomed.  It also brought on a MAJOR meltdown on my part.  A couple days of crying and then finally it all came to a head when Aaron got home on Tuesday.  We get down to DCA in good time, Charli is doing great.  The SECOND Aaron gets into the car, she loses it basically.  Well we were heading back home during DC rush hour traffic.  Instead of an hour, it took two.  She SCREAMED bloody murder the entire time.  She was basically hyperventilating in the back seat.  I tried everything I could from the front to calm her down.  NOTHING seemed to work.  Finally I hit my breaking point... I started sobbing... all out gut wrenching sobbing.  All of this in traffic.  I am more than sure the people in the cars surrounding us thought I was off my rocker (I guess technically I was!!).  Poor Aaron.  He had just gotten home and we were both losing our minds.  I couldn't stop crying.  Once we got home, I couldn't even look at Charli or be around her.  I went and hid out in our room for a while and poor Aaron didn't even get to change out of his work clothes.  I couldn't physically bring myself to be around Charli.  I hadn't EVER broken down like that. My Aunt called me the next day and gave me some great advice on Charli and how to handle everything.  I love her.  She took time out of her day to call me to make sure I was ok and try her best to help.  I think that helped more than anything.  I wish she lived closer! 

Apparently it was needed.  Now I feel as though a huge weight has come off my chest.  It is like I cried out all of my stress.  It made me sit back and realize what I needed to remove from my life and what was really important.  In all of it, I felt like I was losing Aaron for the past few months.  I guess it was freaking me out a lot more than I had realized.  Finally I feel like we are back into a good spot.  Maybe I was depressed and didn't realize it.  Who knows.  All seems to be better now.

Now for the house to become ours!!!!!  We are still waiting on the bank.  I am NOT a patient person....CMON BANK!!!! 

I am absolutely exhausted and have to get up early tomorrow.  We go hang out with Noah :)  They are both crawling now so it's a little more crazy.  Too bad Charli is only going backwards and gets VERY frustrated.  Noah goes forward but thankfully is still pretty slow going at it!  They are too cute.  They are getting so big and grown up seeming to me!  I love sitting back and watching them interact!  

Goodnight Moon

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