Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Birthday America!!!!!!!

No walking yet.  I was really hoping she would at least be walking by 4th of July LOL.  Oh well.  She has a mind of her own for sure!  

Today is the day to be thankful for those who have given their lives for our freedom.  Or given their time for our freedom.  Thank you troops. 

So I have started my newest venture.  It has been quite an adventure so far.  I am going to be making and selling things for kids.  Bows, headbands, hair clips, tutus, lovey blankets, painted letters (maybe lol) and anything else I can eventually think of.  So far I have gotten a ton of supplies and started working on some.  I really need a time when Charli is asleep or someone is here and I'm not having to make food, clean or whatever LOL.  Once I make a stock of stuff, I'll be going online to Etsy to sell them!  I eventually want to build up enough stock to also do a booth at craft shows and what not.  So far it has been very therapeutic for me.  I hope it stays that way.  I am still doing a lot of learning!!!  I started making a tutu and almost sliced my finger off!  I wasn't fully paying attention when I was using my new rotary cutter to cut the tulle.  I just barely ran it over my finger but managed to slice it deep and almost all the way around my finger!!!!  A lot of the tutorials online are for using hot glue to make bows or tying the tulle onto a waistband.  I am trying to figure out ways to make sure they are sewn so that they are more durable!  I want to make sure my products are good quality!

Alright well this is a short update, I need to get everything ready and together so Charli and I can hit up Baker Park for Fourth of July festivities tonight :)

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